The Amitabha Sutra as Discoursed by the Buddha
The Amitabha Sutra is greatly influential in Chinese Buddhism. Its practice has been highly emphasized in traditional monasteries and modern Buddhist temples. It introduces the wondrous Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha and highlights the importance of being reborn there for one’s path to the final enlightenment.
- Praise of Incense Offering
- The Amitabha Sutra as Discoursed by the Buddha
- Rebirth in Pure Land Dharani
- Praise to Amitabha Buddha
- Reciting Amitabha Buddha’s Name
- Taking Refuge in Amitabha Buddha and the Bodhisattvas
- Triple Refuge
- A Prayer to Amitabha Buddha
- Dedication of Merit
- The Forty-Eight Vows of Amitabha Buddha
- 爐香讚
- 佛說阿彌陀經
- 往生咒
- 讚佛偈
- 稱誦彌陀聖號
- 拜願
- 三皈依
- 向阿彌陀佛祈願文
- 回向偈
- 阿彌陀佛四十八大願