Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center

Language: English & Chinese
The Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise, Fascicles 26-30
Fascicle twenty-six details the eighteen exclusive attributes of the Buddha.
Fascicles twenty-seven through thirty elaborate further on what a bodhisattva should practice on the path toward Buddhahood in The Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra: those who wish to eliminate the habitual tendencies of afflictions, abide in the six supernatural powers, surpass the sravaka and pratyekabuddha states and abide in the non-regressing state, attain the dharanis and the samadhis, gain immeasurable and limitless virtue, perfect the Buddha’s thirty-two major marks and eighty minor marks, and ensure that all sentient beings become established in the perfections of giving, morality, patience, diligence, meditative concentration, and wisdom should learn the perfection of prajna wisdom.
Fascicles 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 & 21-25 are also available.
Learn more.

Language: English & Chinese with pinyin
(Reprinted / back in stock)
The Lotus Sutra’s Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
“The Universal Gate Chapter” introduces the compassionate visage of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Chinese: Guanyin), who has been a source of inspiration and devotion for Buddhists and non-Buddhists for centuries. This short chapter of The Lotus Sutra, chanted and memorized throughout East Asia, is believed to be a strong protection of our body and mind.

Language: English & Chinese with pinyin
(Reprinted / back in stock)
The Medicine Buddha Sutra
Medicine Buddha, the Buddha of healing in Chinese Buddhism, is believed to cure all suffering (both physical and mental) of sentient beings. The Medicine Buddha Sutra is commonly chanted and recited in Buddhist monasteries, and the Medicine Buddha’s twelve great vows are widely praised.
Looking for more sutras and chanting texts? Most of our titles are available online to read or download.

Pratiquer à son aise dans le monde des hommes: Commentaires à propos des Huit consciences
在人間自在修行 – 八識講話
(Language: French)
Practicing freely in the human world:
Commentaries on the eight consciousness
Written by
Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Looking for more French books & booklets? We have many titles available to read online or download.
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News & Updates
The application period for the 2024-2025 year has ended. Qualifying students can apply again beginning next Fall.
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Chanting Texts
FGSITC's collection of important Mahayana sutras and commentaries in translation.

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Assorted contemporary teachings and writings by Venerable Master Hsing Yun.

French Publications
Collection of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's teachings in French translation.
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