Author: Leann Moore

A Prayer to the Medicine Buddha

Oh great, compassionate Medicine Buddha!

Please listen to my report:

There is truly too much suffering in the world these days:

The crimes of arson, murder, and theft;

The cruel oppression of corrupt officials;

The turbulence of politics and the economy;

And natural disasters of earth, water, fire, and wind;

These things often cause people to lose everything they own in the blink of an eye.

The suffering of being bedridden with a lingering illness

Resulting from an imbalance of the four great elements;

Even heroes moan in pain and have difficulty being at ease;

The sea of karma that is full of passions and delusions,

Resulting from greed, anger, and ignorance,

Rolls unceasingly like roaring waves and billows.

Radiating unity and camaraderie: this vibrant snapshot features the spirited group of participants, venerables, and dedicated counseling committee members.

FGSITC Buddhism Friendship Scholarship: Nurturing Global Youth in Dharma Propagation

Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center (FGSITC) and the AJ Wang Foundation have been collaborating since 2023 to offer the “Buddhism Friendship Scholarship” to outstanding bilingual students from colleges and high schools in Southern California. On March 16, 2024, marking the second year of collaboration, FGSITC hosted its first workshop of the year at the FGS Hsi Lai Temple. The workshop aimed to enhance the twenty-six participants’ understanding of the translation center and leverage their diverse expertise in propagating Dharma while emphasizing the internationalization of Buddhism.

Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center (FGSITC) holds the FGSITC Buddhism Friendship Scholarship Appreciation Party at Hsi Lai Temple.

FGSITC Buddhism Friendship Scholarships Encourage Bilingual Learners to Translate

On December 23rd, the Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center (FGSITC) held the “FGSITC Buddhism Friendship Scholarship Appreciation Party” at Hsi Lai Temple. Nearly 60 attendees—including Ven. Yi Kong, president of Fo Guang Shan Cultural Council; abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, Ven. Hui Dong; founders of the AJ Wang Foundation, Mr. JP and Alice Wang; teachers and scholarship recipients—gathered together and encouraged young bilingual learners to continue to fully step into their ‘translation shoes’ and celebrated their collective efforts in helping support the localization and globalization of Buddhism.

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Buddhism Takes its Roots into the Next Generation

On Saturday, May 6, the Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center (FGSITC) Buddhism Friendship Scholarship hosted its second workshop for the 2023 year at Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights, California. All seventeen of this year’s scholarship recipients attended, along with various Fo Guang Shan monastics and community members.

Each semester, the FGSITC Buddhism Friendship Scholarship requires students to participate in two Buddhism workshops, write a book report on a selected text, and make a talent contribution to FGSITC.

Le Sutra du Lotus: La porte universelle du bodhisattva Avalokitesvara – Commentaire

妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品講話 (The Lotus Sutra’s Universal Gate of Avalokitesvara Commentary)
Le visage compatissant d’Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, mieux connu sous le nom de Guanyin en chinois, est une source d’inspiration et de dévotion depuis des siècles. La porte universelle d’Avalokiteśvara est le récit scripturaire du Bouddha de ce sage légendaire et de son pouvoir de se manifester sous toutes les formes nécessaires pour aider tous les êtres. Ce livre de chant comprend également un commentaire ligne par ligne, qui dévoile les descriptions fantastiques du sutra et les relie à la pratique personnelle et aux vastes enseignements bouddhistes.