Author: admin

Les courants de la pensée contemporaine

當代人心思潮 (“Contemporary Thoughts”):
I. La joie et l’harmonie
II. L’Unité et la Coexistence
III. Le Respect mutuel et la Tolérance
IV. L’Egalité et la Paix.
V. La Perfection et l’Insouciance
VI. La nature et la vie.
VII. La Vérité pour tous
VIII. Le monde des hommes et la vie quotidienne
IX. Résolution et Développement
X. La conscience de soi et la pratique de la voie du Bouddha.
XI. Changer le monde et en faire bénéficier l’humanité

Buddhist Perspective on Mind Consciousness

English language Buddhist Perspective on Mind Consciousness佛教對心識的看法 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents A Moment and an Eternity of the Mind One Square Inch and the Open Space of the Mind The Hell and Heaven of the Mind The Purification and Liberation of the Mind Read Online Download Now 內容 心的一刻與心的永恆 心的方寸及心的虛空 心的地獄和心的天堂 心的淨化與心的解脫


English language Meditation禪修 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents The Right Attitude for Meditation The Practice of Meditation The Benefits of Meditation Meditation Programs at the Temple Dharma Instruments and Signals Proper Conduct within the Meditation Hall Great Meditation Masters Read Online Download Now 內容 禪修的心態 禪修方法 禪修的利益 禪修的類別 鐘板號令 禪堂規約 偉大的禪師

The Buddhist Perspective on Time and Space

English language The Buddhist Perspective on Time and Space人間佛教的基本思想 Written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun Contents Time and Space for All Living Beings Practical Reality of Time and Space The Holy Practitioners of Buddhism and the Liberation from Time and Space The Utilization of Time and Space Read Online Download Now 內容 一般眾生的時空 現實生活的時空 聖者解脫的時空…